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How to Make the Cheer Team with No Experience

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So, you’ve decided to take the leap and try out for the cheer team, but there’s a catch: you’re starting from square one with no prior experience. Don’t let that discourage you! Every cheerleader was once a beginner, and with determination and the right mindset, you can earn your spot on the team. In this guide, I’ll share my firsthand experience and offer tips on how to navigate the tryout process successfully, even as a newcomer to the world of cheerleading.

Step 1: Research and Preparation

Before diving into tryouts headfirst, take some time to familiarize yourself with the basics of cheerleading. Watch videos online, attend local cheer events if possible, and study common cheers, jumps, and tumbling techniques. Additionally, reach out to current or former cheerleaders for advice and insight into what to expect during tryouts.

Researching and preparing for tryouts is crucial for success. Start by creating a schedule that allows you to dedicate time each day to practice. Set specific goals for what you want to achieve before the tryout date, whether it’s mastering a new cheer or perfecting your tumbling skills.

When watching cheerleading videos online, pay close attention to the techniques used by experienced cheerleaders. Take note of their posture, timing, and facial expressions, and try to emulate them in your own practice sessions. Attending local cheer events can also provide valuable insight into the cheerleading community and help you understand the expectations for tryouts.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to current or former cheerleaders for advice. They can offer valuable tips and insights based on their own experiences. Ask them about the tryout process, what judges are looking for, and any specific skills or techniques you should focus on. Check out our blog to know what you should wear!

Cheer Tryouts

Finally, consider joining a beginner’s cheerleading class or workshop to receive formal instruction and guidance. These classes can help you learn proper technique and build confidence in a supportive environment.

By thoroughly researching and preparing for tryouts, you’ll set yourself up for success and feel more confident when the big day arrives.

Step 2: Master the Fundamentals

While you may not have years of cheerleading experience under your belt, you can still impress the judges by demonstrating mastery of fundamental cheer skills. Practice basic cheers, chants, and arm motions until they become second nature. Focus on maintaining sharp, synchronized movements and projecting confidence and enthusiasm.

To master the fundamentals of cheerleading, start with the basics. Begin by learning common cheer motions, such as high Vs, low Vs, T motions, and diagonals. Practice these motions in front of a mirror to ensure proper form and alignment. Pay attention to details like arm placement, hand position, and facial expressions, as these small details can make a big difference in your performance.

Cheer Hurdler

Next, familiarize yourself with basic cheerleading jumps, including the toe touch, pike, and hurdler. Practice jumping technique by focusing on height, form, and pointed toes. Remember to engage your core muscles and use your arms to generate momentum.

In addition to motions and jumps, work on mastering basic cheer stunts and tumbling skills. Start with simple partner stunts, such as thigh stands or shoulder sits, and progress to more advanced stunts as you gain confidence and experience. If tumbling is a component of your team’s tryouts, dedicate extra time to practicing basic tumbling skills, such as forward rolls, cartwheels, and handstands. Our blog page goes into detail for everything you need to know for cheerleading.

As you practice, focus on building strength, flexibility, and endurance. Incorporate conditioning exercises into your routine to improve your overall athleticism and reduce the risk of injury. Remember to listen to your body and take breaks when needed to prevent overexertion.

Finally, don’t be afraid to ask for feedback from coaches, peers, or experienced cheerleaders. Constructive criticism can help you identify areas for improvement and refine your skills over time.

Step 3: Tackle Tumbling (if applicable)

If tumbling is a component of your team’s tryouts, devote extra time to honing your skills in this area. Start with basic tumbling exercises like forward rolls, cartwheels, and handstands, gradually progressing to more advanced techniques such as back handsprings and tucks. Consider enrolling in tumbling classes or seeking guidance from a qualified coach to ensure safe and effective skill development.

Tumbling is a critical component of cheerleading that requires strength, coordination, and courage. If tumbling is a requirement for your team’s tryouts, it’s essential to dedicate focused practice time to develop your skills.

Start by mastering the foundational tumbling skills. Begin with forward rolls, focusing on tucking your chin and rolling smoothly from your shoulders to your hips. Once you feel comfortable with forward rolls, move on to cartwheels. Practice kicking your legs over your head while maintaining control and balance. Remember to use your arms to generate momentum and keep your body straight throughout the motion.

As you progress, work on building strength and flexibility to execute more advanced tumbling skills. Practice handstands against a wall to improve your balance and core stability. Once you feel confident in your handstand position, try transitioning into a cartwheel or forward roll. Gradually introduce more challenging skills, such as back handsprings, back tucks, and aerials, as you build strength and confidence.

If possible, consider enrolling in tumbling classes or seeking guidance from a qualified coach. A trained instructor can provide valuable feedback and guidance to help you progress safely and effectively. They can also introduce drills and exercises to target specific areas of weakness and improve overall tumbling technique.

Remember to practice tumbling skills regularly and be patient with yourself as you progress. Tumbling can be challenging, but with dedication and perseverance, you can master even the most difficult skills. Stay focused, stay determined, and don’t be afraid to push yourself outside of your comfort zone.

Step 4: Nail the Tryout Routine

As the tryout date approaches, dedicate lots of time to perfecting the designated tryout routine. Pay close attention to details such as timing, precision, and performance quality. Practice the routine repeatedly until you can execute it flawlessly, even under pressure. Don’t forget to showcase your personality and charisma throughout the routine to leave a lasting impression on the judges.

The tryout routine is your opportunity to shine and showcase your skills, personality, and passion for cheerleading. It’s essential to approach this aspect of tryouts with focus, dedication, and attention to detail.

Start by carefully studying the tryout routine provided by the coaches. Pay attention to the choreography, transitions, and formations, and familiarize yourself with the music and timing. Break down the routine into smaller sections and practice each segment individually before putting it all together.

As you practice, focus on mastering the technical aspects of the routine, such as jumps, stunts, and tumbling passes. Pay attention to your timing and synchronization with the music, and ensure that your movements are sharp, precise, and confident. Practice facial expressions and performance quality to convey enthusiasm and energy throughout the routine.

Repetition is key to mastering the tryout routine, so be prepared to practice it repeatedly until you can perform it flawlessly, even under pressure. Consider recording yourself performing the routine and reviewing the footage to identify areas for improvement. Solicit feedback from coaches, peers, or experienced cheerleaders to help refine your performance and make any necessary adjustments.

Step 5: Confidence is Key

On the day of tryouts, approach the audition with confidence and a positive mindset. Remember that the judges are looking for more than just technical skill—they’re also evaluating your attitude, teamwork abilities, and coach-ability. Trust in your preparation and abilities, and let your passion for cheerleading shine through.

Confidence is a crucial factor in successful tryouts. Believe in yourself and your abilities, and approach the audition with a positive attitude and a sense of determination. Remind yourself of the hard work and dedication you’ve put into preparing for this moment, and trust that your efforts will pay off.

Before the tryout, take some time to visualize success. Imagine yourself performing with confidence and precision, receiving praise from the judges, and celebrating with your teammates. Visualizing success can help boost your confidence and calm any pre-audition nerves. Our blogs will tell you everything you need to know, check them out!

Cheerleaders doing a chest bump

During the audition, focus on showcasing your skills and personality while staying present in the moment. Smile, make eye contact with the judges, and project enthusiasm and energy in your movements. Remember to listen carefully to any instructions or feedback provided by the coaches, and demonstrate your willingness to learn and improve.

If you make a mistake during the audition, don’t dwell on it. Everyone makes mistakes, and the most important thing is how you recover from them. Stay composed, keep smiling, and continue performing to the best of your ability. Judges will often look for how you handle adversity and bounce back from setbacks.

After the audition, congratulate yourself for taking on the challenge and giving it your all. Regardless of the outcome, be proud of yourself for stepping out of your comfort zone and pushing yourself to grow as a cheerleader and as a person.

Remember that tryouts are just one step in your journey as a cheerleader. Whether you make the team or not, use the experience as an opportunity to learn and grow. Take any feedback provided by the judges as constructive criticism and use it to improve your skills and performance in the future.

By approaching tryouts with confidence, positivity, and a willingness to learn, you’ll demonstrate your readiness to be a valuable member of the cheer team and leave a lasting impression on the judges.


Making the cheer team as a newcomer may seem like a daunting challenge, but with determination, dedication, and a willingness to learn, you can achieve your goal. Embrace the journey, celebrate your progress, and don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. Who knows? You may just surprise yourself with how far you can go in the world of cheerleading. Good luck!

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